Swimming and beaches in Pello in Lapland

Pello’s beautiful beaches and lakes

The many lakes within the municipal area of Pello are also ideal for swimmers. Bathing beaches can be found in the south at Lake Ratas, the east at Lake Mieko and in the north at Lake Valkea.

The municipality of Pello’s most famous and popular beaches are probably

The Orhinselän sandbar at Miekojärvi Lake, which was chosen as Finland’s most beautiful natural sand bar. More information HERE

Valkeajärvi beach at the Ritavalkea leisure centre, located about 9 km east of the Pello centre, toward Rovaniemi. More info HERE


Jolmanputaan Beach in the center of Pello (address: Hakatie)

Jolmanputaan Beach in the center of Pello

Open water Swimming event “Swin the Arctic Circle”

In addition to salmon fishing, the River Tornio is a good place for swimmers. The open water swimming event Swim the Arctic Circle takes place in Pello and attracts swimmers from all over the far north to the village of Juoksenki, where participants race across the national border in July.

Further information about the open water swimming event SWIMAC: napapiirinkylayhdistys@gmail.com & facebook.com/swimthearcticcircle
